And a Happy Birthday to my Big brother David, who his whole life has had green cakes, green wrapping paper and green themed Birthdays. At least he can have a Guinness for Breakfast on his birthday and not get looked at funny!!
This morning on Face Book my delicious sister-in-law, Natalie, posted this 30 Day photo Challenge which I thought looked really cool so I have decided I will join in and do it with her! So here goes ....
A picture of yourself and 15 facts
1) I am the youngest of 3, the only girl. I love my brothers, Tony & David, to death. We don't spend a huge amount of time with each other, but when it really counts my brothers are always there for me xx
2) I'm a hoarder. I keep everything. I have cupboards and drawers and bags and boxes and filing cabinets full of stuff. Because you NEVER know when you might need it you know. I have always been like this. When I was young my Mum called me a Womble, and she called my bedroom Organised Chaos. My whole house is now organised Chaos!
3) I'm not a Girly Girl. I can't wear high heels without falling over. I don't wear makeup, and don't know how to. I rarely wear a skirt or dress (getting better at doing so). I don't own a hair dryer or really know how to use one properly and I have no idea how to do my hair fancy. I often wish I did.
4) I have never played a sport. I never played any sports in school, except for the compulsory PE. I don't like it. And I also suck at it all. And on the sameish topic I also don't know how to ride a bike.
5) I love books. I don't have enough time to read as much as I want but I do love to read. I have books upon books upon books in my house. Most of them are kids books. I had LOADS when I was teaching and now they have gone to the kids. I am currently looking for a styley bookcase to house my books ...
6) I have a strange obsession with Vampires. I love the books, movies, TV Shows. In fact I kinda have a fascination with the supernatural. Dunno why but I do.
7) I am a crafter! I started out as a cross stitcher but have found my passion in paper. I LOVE paper crafts, anything and everything to do with scrapbooking, and most things paper (except making cards!!) I just love it. My dream job would be to have my own Scrapbooking Store ... watch this space!
8) I am a Beatle-maniac. I LOVE the Beatles music and the Fab Four. When I was a teen I had posters of the Beatles and John Lennon on my walls not modern bands like my friends with NKOTB!! John Lennon is my favourite Beatle. When I am down and out I like to listen to my comforting Beatles music. Nothing like an oldies mix to make you feel better.
9) My favourite colour is orange. I am orange-fying my house. Eventually when I get a house of my own I will blog properly about the Orange-fying but for now I just pick up whatever cool orange thing I find!!
10) I am an Early Childcare Teacher by trade. I have been working in ECE since I left school. At first i was a Nanny, that wasn't cool, I really didn't enjoy nannying. And then I worked in an ECE Centre and LOVED it. Got my Teaching Diploma and went from there. Things have been a bit different since I had my own kids, the passion for ECE isn't there like it was before. Time for a new career path - see #7
11) I married an American. My Mum always said when I was younger that I would end up marrying a foreigner, and I did! my kids have dual NZ/USA citizenship and passports. It is going to be AWESOME for them! Hopefully it will open many doors for them in the future.
12) I am semi-famous. I have had requests for interviews from:
*60 Minutes
*TV3 News
*TV1 News
*Woman's Day
*NZ Woman's Weekly
Sadly not because of anything I have achieved but because my Hubby died in an extraordinary way. But I have declined ALL media requests and am keeping my grief out of the public media.
13) A little known fact is why I named my children what I named them. Being an ECE teacher it is often difficult thinking of names due to name association. That kid called that was a horror etc etc. In my entire teaching career I had only come across one Riley and one Abbey before they were born. The name Riley actually came from my favourite TV Show ever Buffy the Vampire Slayer (see #6). In Seasons 5 & 6 Buffy had a military boyfriend named Riley. Hmmmm. Abbey was named straight after a Beatles album (see #8) Abbey Road, which is also where their Studios were located, on Abbey Road.
14) I am a Melissophobic (bee phobic). I HATE them. I'm not as bad as I used to be because I don't want to pass my fears onto my kids! I did my Research Project for my ECE Diploma on Fears and Phobias in children. It was incredibly illuminating as to why people have such fears. I have just recently been told by my brother (who's Birthday it is today) that he would imagine my bee fear comes from when we were kids and were jumping into the pampass grass next door and disturbed a Bee nest and were stung repeatedly all over ourselves. Now this memory must have been so traumatic that even after been reminded of it, I can not remember it! I do however remember a traumatic experience when I was about 3 of a goose attaching itself to my hand. I am also somewhat wary and freaked out by geese as a result!
15) I have never been to the South Island and my only overseas trip was to The USA in 2006. I really haven't travelled much. I would like to travel a little more but to be honest it won't be the end of the world for me if I don't. I'm quite happy here in my little home town where I grew up without seeing the rest of the world.
WOW that was incedibly hard!!
Hope you enjoyed finding out about me! And if you want to join in with the 30 Day Photo Project here are the prompts ....
Day 1. A picture of yourself and 15 facts.
Day 2. A picture of you and the person your closest with.
Day 3. A picture of the cast of your favourite show.
Day 4. A habit you wish you didnt have.
Day 5. Your favourite memory.
Day 6. A person you would love to trade places with for a day.
Day 7. Someone you have the most fun with.
Day 8. A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 9. A person whos gotten you through the most.
Day 10. A person you do stupid things with.
Day 11. Something you hate.
Day 12. Something you love.
Day 13. Your favourtie band or artist.
Day 14. Someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15. Something you want to do before you die.
Day 16. Someone you inspires you the most.
Day 17. Someone whos made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18. Someone you admire
Day 19. A picture from when you were little
Day 20. Somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21. Someone you have good memories with.
Day 22. Something you wish you were better at.
Day 23. Someone who makes you laugh.
Day 24. Something you wish you could change.
Day 25. A picture of your day.
Day 26. Someone you can talk to for hours.
Day 27. A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28. Something your afraid of.
Day 29. A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30. A picture of someone you miss.
Happy clicking everyone!
Awesome! Love the way you blog!
Cool, a whole bunch of stuff I didnt know about you. Looking forward to see the rest of the 30 days!
Great stuff!!! I have just finished the twilight books and sen all the films bar the last. My two girls think this is great. I dont know if i can find 15 facts about myself to write!!! utits a great challenge...who knows
You know, I've always admired you, but I admire you even more for not giving your story to any of those magazines. What a strong woman you are!
So interesting reading more about you
yah for not giving into the media!! i also admire you for that!!!
as for names from ECE that you can NEVER name your kids!!! mine are ricardo,william, samantha, oliver.....ekkkkk my list is quite long!!!! lol!!!
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