DAY 11
Something you hate.

RENTING - I hate it. This house in the picture is for sale. Mum & I went to an open home there and I LOVE IT ... sadly I'm not quite ready to purchase a house yet. But renting is awful. I can't put picture hooks in the wall, or make the place reflect me as much as I want. You are restricted so much when you are renting. As well as all that it feels like wasted money goes out of your bank every week! I can not wait to be able to own my own home!
DAY 12
Something you love

It's not a secret my Orange Obsession!! I LOVE it! I want to fill my whole house with it. I want to Orangefy my world.
DAY 13
Your favourite band or artist

The Beatles. Their music is forever!! They are legends! I love them!!! I have all their albums and when I am down I listen to them to cheer me up! They are funny guys, have you ever seen A Hard Days Night or Help! Hilarious! And speaking of Movies check out Across The Universe, amazing story told by ONLY Beatles songs!! Stunning! John, Paul, George and Ringo you rock my world!!!
DAY 14
Someone you could never imagine your life without.
It was this guy, but now it's no one because after losing this guy I can put the worst case scenario of losing all my loved ones in my head. I don't have to imagine. It already happened.
DAY 15
Something you want to do before you die.
It's funny what death does to people. For some it makes them live life to the fullest doing things they would never have thought they could or would do. For me it has made me appreciate the simple things in life. The beauty of nature, the laughter of my children, family etc. The thing I want to do before I die is to watch these beautiful children grow up and live their lives and have a family each and be happy. A simple request many people take for granted because sadly their Dad didn't get to do that.
DAY 16
Someone who inspires you the most

These two ladies ... Ruth and Janine. Every Wednesday these two ladies come over to my house for Art Night. They are both AMAZINGLY talented and they push me to work outside my comfort zones and INSPIRE me to try harder because frankly they are WAY more talented than I am, even if they will pfffttt at that comment!! I love these ladies they rock in ALL kind of amazing ways!!
DAY 17
Someone who's made a huge impact on your life recently.

This beautiful lady is called Nadia. I only knew her from the Trade Me message boards for the longest time and this year finally met her in person. Now I see her every other day it seems! We get along like we have known each other for ever. Neither of us care if each others houses are a mess, or the dishes aren't done, and her kids and Hubby are awesome to boot! I love meeting people you just click with and Nadia is one of those amazing people! Love you chick!!
DAY 18
Someone you admire

Loads of people in the Scrapping world know this Pink haired lady nick-named Pinky. She is out there! She is Bold! She is SUPER Talented! I first came across Pinky on Fiskateers, and became a Face Book friend and followed her blog etc etc. Now the thing that I admire about Pinky is she has had some real awful awful stuff happen to her in her past, and she ain't afraid to talk about it. She scraps, and discusses and talks about what happened and she is totally inspiring in doing so. After Jason died and I got some amazing photo's of his funeral I thought I am going to scrap them, if Pinky can scrap about her stuff I can scrap about mine and I did HERE. She made me realise that craft is a form of dealing with what you are going through and I thank her SO SO much for it!! I admire this woman's guts and bravery. And how she overcome so much to become such an outstanding and positive woman!!
For more 30 Day Photo Project posts go HERE
Hey Beautiful Girl, just remember that it's a 30 Day Photo Project not a 30 Days-In-A-Row Photo Project! Awesome. I am Proud to call you my Sister XxxX
I was so busy reading your blog that my milo exploded in the microwave because I forgot about it! I can sympathise about the renting thing - I felt trapped in our last house, which we owned but we had grown out of and it was so small. I felt so trapped and it took months and months for it to finally sell. And it took years before that for us to be in a position to buy something different - and that was with the help of family. It was a long road to get to our house now, which I LOVE :D Hopefully you have a plan in place and you'll get there eventually.
And I totally agree with you on what you want to do before you die. The simple things in our own small worlds are the things that count the most in the end.
Now, better drink my milo :)
great post!!, I love the house!! same sort of one i
I am so enjoying your photo blog. You'll get your house one day
Loving this - and that pic of your kids is way too cute!
another of your posts that brings tears to my eyes.
Awesome post Tracy.
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