We had another blogger meet up on Tuesday with the amazing Leonie, Renette, Juanita, Simone, Kristy and Becky. It was at Renettes place and we chatted lots, laughed lots and had loads of hugs! I am loving these ladies. We all have so much in common and get on amazingly well. Awesome people to know!!
I love this photo cause I'm not really in it hehehe ... I hope you don't mind me stealing it Neetz!!!
After I had been out all day Tuesday I arrived home to see these at the front door step ....
I was completely blown away because they were from a beautiful lady who I have never met in real life but chat to and talk with online. She is a fellow scrapper and her name is Mandy. I had a bit of a bad week last week and she sure put a HUGE smile on my face. Thanks so much Mandy!
On Wednesday Danielle and her GORGEOUS kids came up for the night. Now Danielle and I have met once but I feel like I've known her forever! We sat and chatted until 4am!! I got 2 hours sleep that night!! I am so so blessed to have this phenomenal woman as a friend! Oh and she makes great cake!!! Teeheehee
Today Leonie, Renette and Juanita came around to scrapbook. It was such a fun time!! It was Renette's first time scrapping and Juanita and Leonie hadn't done it in a while so it was soooo awesome seeing them working hard, while I ate and passed tools!! I can't wait to get together and craft with them again, maybe next time I might do more than just supervise! Like I said I love these ladies!!!
I Have also spent quite a bit of time with another lovely lady this week, Nadia and I have been sorting and organising for Nadia's Garage Sale tomorrow. I love spending time with Nadia, she rocks!
I have been so so blessed via this little thing sitting on my lap called the computer, and this other HUGE thing called the Internet because everyone of those ladies I have met online and I have the pleasure of calling them all TRUE friends now (except Becky who I have known forever and loved just as long!!)
Thank you Internet I surely love you too!!
aw.. tracy I am so glad you have been blessed with so much love this week.
You are truly an amazing and beautiful person and I am so privileged to have you as a friend. Thank you for being so special and I cant wait to spend heaps more time with you!
I love you Trace, your a forever friend!
Aw shucks!!!
I so want your crafty room I am totally in love with it, and you for that matter and am seriously considering taking up scrapping!!
What a great time! I also love the Internet for all the friends I have met ..... and slowly meeting IRL
am so glad they cheered you up!!!
arent they lovely!!!
what a busy life you have with so people in it!!! gotta love the orange-ness being shown from the scrap room too!!!
Hey chick... What an absolute pleasure meeting up with you .. not ONCE...but TWICE this week!! woohoo!
I totally agree with everything everyone's said... amazing to just "click" with all you chicks, and on so many different levels...crafting, hobbies, all that fun stuff!
And sure...I don't mind you stealing that pic lol though I think the teddy bear cuddling one would have been better!! :) As for that pic of me in your craft room...hahah I look like I've been caught doing something naughty...like "product testing" or something!! heehee.
YOu're a real gem, and I am so blessed to have you as a REAL LIFE friend...(and all you other bloggy chicks too). ((hugs)).
PS: okay, you're outta the "slack blogger" sin bin now!! away ya go!
PPS..or PSS...whatever...?
I've been retelling a lot of our stories from today to my hubby...he merely shakes his head and rolls his eyes...LOL Also I have ULTRA-RAVED about that drool-worthy craft room and told him how jealous I am of it...:)
Oh..and those flowers are just awesome!! What a lovely friend Mandy is !!
Awww - so many warm fuzzies from all the love! You are a beautiful and amazing woman Tracey and it's been so cool all getting to know each other more and more. So loving that cheeky pic of Neetz!!
Yesterday's scrapping was FUN!!! Can we do it again soon?
You have had such an awesome week - really pleased for you. I can't wait to read about next week.
Glad you are having a blessed week!
Aw...gutted I missed out...look forward to catching up soon. Your scrapbooking room is amazing...no wonder the girls were so inspired...maybe I should pull out all my stuff oneday soon!
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