On Jason's Birthday we went to Cobb & Co for dinner and with the kids meals come what they call 'Cobb Crunchies' which are Tatties. It got me thinking all about when we were kids and Mum would make us big bowls of Tatties ALL the time. I don't remember having potato chips so much as I remember Tatties! Makes me want to go buy some! Any one know where to get them?? Sadly I can't find a picture of any Tatties to show you what I'm talking about but I do have a photo of Riley eating his Cobb Crunchies ...
Thinking about Tatties got me thinking about other food we had as kids. Things like: K Bars Tangy Fruits Sparkles Snifters Milk Biscuits Buzz Bars Toffee Milks Bubble O Bill Ice Creams
Sooo many more I'm sure! What do you guys remember??? Oh and while we are on the subject of food remember this???
NB Thanks to all those lovey message boarders on TMMB for helping me remember lots of the above things!!!
You can get taties at some supermarkets, not quite the same as they used to be though!
Hi Tracey, Try the Bin Inn for Tatties! We have them down here in Christchurch, and if you cant locate them, please let me know and I ll send you some... let me know through my blog, Very best wishes! Vienna (http://butterflysbushblog.blogspot.com/)
mmmm cobb crunchies.....love them!!! and as for your list...check out this post from last year... http://captureandcreate.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/remember-k-bars/
oh boy I LOVED Georgie Pie!! YUM! They still have bubble o bill icecreams in Oz..my kids like them I also loved Deck lollies.. jumping jupiters...animal bars.
You can get taties at some supermarkets, not quite the same as they used to be though!
Hi Tracey, Try the Bin Inn for Tatties! We have them down here in Christchurch, and if you cant locate them, please let me know and I ll send you some... let me know through my blog, Very best wishes! Vienna (http://butterflysbushblog.blogspot.com/)
mmmm cobb crunchies.....love them!!! and as for your list...check out this post from last year... http://captureandcreate.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/remember-k-bars/
oh boy I LOVED Georgie Pie!! YUM!
They still have bubble o bill icecreams in Oz..my kids like them
I also loved Deck lollies.. jumping jupiters...animal bars.
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