Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ribbon Ring

Well Danice encouraged me to do this so here goes ... my first tutorial!!

I saw these fantastic ribbon rings a few weeks ago and thought they looked FANTASTIC!! I'm poor so decided to give it a go at making them and here's how I did it ....

First I made a thick cardboard template 40mmX40mm with a hole punced out the top and three 35mmX5mm lines cut from the middle down. I then traced the template onto thick coloured cardstock punched the holes and then using my craft knife cut out the lines (gee I wish I had a Fiskars fingertip knife)

Cut out lots!! Then stick them through your laminator

then I cut them all out individually and re-punched the holes and re-cut the lines. And you end up with lots of these

now all you need to do is thread on your ribbons and loop through your rings and HEY PRESTO, you got some ribbon rings!!
I have a lot more rings to put together because I have a lot more ribbon!! And I haven't quite decided where I'm going to hang them, but I'm really pleased with the way they have turned out!!


Danice said...

OOHHH its pretty simple, and bloody clever! well done Tracey, pity i already used up the laminator pouches at work, but hopefully ill be getting more tomorrow so im keen as to give it a go!

Nic said...

ohhhhh thats clever! smarty mcfarty pants!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Wow, what a cool idea!!!

Megan R said...

Wow, what a fantastic idea!! That is so clever!!