Today I am thankful for my amazing husband. He has made so may sacrifices for me. He works hard because he knows I would rather be at home, and he never complains. I love him more than anything. He understands, supports and replenishes my scrapbook obsession. He is a wonderful father to our children, he's funny and I couldn't ask for a better husband. So that's what I'm thankful for today.
Now onto the craft .....
Another TM Scrappers Challenge LO. The challenge was to create a single page layout using one or more fabrics which must have either hand or machine sewing on layout as well.
Well my sewing machine had me swearing as it wasn't zigzagging for me and I ended up hand stitching on this LO.
Before we moved Riley's class planted sunflower seeds. He had two growing when he left and we bought them with us, we had also planted some at home a few weeks before. So when we moved we planted them all in our new garden. When they finally flowered they were amazing! Riley was very proud of his sunflower garden. We only just pulled the sunflowers out this morning.
The fabric for this LO came from a yard sale in America!! Jason did alot af yard saling while he was over there and he found this enormous bag of quilting scraps. I trained him well, he got it and there were alot of lovely bits of fabric in there.
This LO I used a sketch from Page Maps