Day 30 - A Photo Of Yourself Today + 3 Good Things that Have Happened in the Last 30 Days
I forgot that today was a photo taking day!! So as we sit in my bed watching TV after our baths, wearing our PJs I have taken a pic.
#1 - Holiday
We just got back this week from a two week holiday. I will do a proper post about this but it was definitely the best good thing that has happened in the last 30 days! Seeing my mates Nicola and Jennie and hanging out with them and their families was epic!
#2 - Attending my First ANAZC Day Dawn Parade
I have always wanted to go to one but never managed to drag myself out of bed to do so. But since Riley is now a Cub Scout and Abbey is a Pippin I figured it was time to make the effort. Had we been in Whangarei on ANZAC day they both would have joined their clubs in the parade so I thought we'd go while we were in Hastings instead. It was very emotional and amazing. I am really glad I went and will definitely be going again
#3 - House Renovations
I am gunning ahead with making this house MY house. Riley's bedroom is almost ready for painting and I have been talking to builders about a new bathroom and a few other things around the house (Library!!!) It's scary and exciting all at the same time! I am hoping to get carpet in the kids rooms and playroom before the weather gets too cold too. Lots of plans!
eee house reno!!! Such a nice post,
yeehaa... a library.. AWESOMENESS!
Nice PJ pic too xx
wahooooooo on the house changes!!! go you!!!
and your holiday looked amazing!!! glad you had fun!!!
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