Well Birthday .. not so sure about Happy. On days like today it's when you really miss your loved ones and today I was thinking about my dear hubby ALOT. We spent the majority of the day on the phone or online with each other but it just isn't the same .. so when he went off to bed (darn 8 hour time difference) I needed something to distract me from the gloomy feeling. I played cards and coloured with the kids and scrapped. Nothing like a bit of good crafting to get you in a better mood!! If anything came out of the sad day it's how much I appreciate my friends :) I got so many "we love you happy birthday" wishes from them it was hard to be sad for long, thanks guys .. you all know who you are xxxx
Anyways .... I'm posting my True Blood ATCs off tomorrow so I'm gonna show a little sneak peek

and here is the LO I finished today
Now off to try start another LO while the mood stays!!