I haven't crafted in about 5 weeks, sad I know but the mood was all wrong. It has been cold I've been rather sad and I have been reading up a storm. But on Friday I though NO I MUST CRAFT and I did and I have keep crafting since :) So here is what I have done ...
As I went in to pick Riley up after work last night he ran across the classroom tripped and hit his head on the edge of a table, I went over to him and he was crying and when I picked him up there was alot of blood, I took him over to the bench where Nina (his teacher) grabbed some cloths and held it to his head, I couldn't bring myself to look so Nina did and she said she thought he needed to go to Coast Care (the local A&E), I bundled Riley up took Abbey back to the babies room and left her with Lyann (her teacher) then rushed Riley down to coast care with him holding a cloth to his head. We waited for ages to see the doctor and Riley had stopped crying in the car on the way so he was feeling pretty ok. We finally saw the doctor and he had a look (it had stopped bleeding) there was a very deep and wide gash in his left eyebrow. He went off to talk to the nurse and came back in. He said they couldn't glue it because it was too close to his eye and butterfly stitches wouldn't work so the last option was to stitch it. He said I had two options
1) Get it done right then and there with Riley been VERY unhappy until it was done
2) Go to Starship where they would put him to sleep and do it
I really didn't like the idea of him having to be put to sleep and Abbey was still with Lyann and going to Starship meant more waiting around and a longer night so I opted for them to do it there. The nurse wrapped Riley up in a big blanket like we used to wrap Abbey as a baby, pinning his arms (this is where he started crying again) I sat next to him holding his arms and legs down and keeping them still, the nurse held his head. He was so very brave and although he cried he didn't move and was very still like the doctor and nurse asked him to be. They gave him three stitches and a yellow lollipop :) I have been back to the doctor this morning for them to change the dressing and everything looks really good, and the stitches will come out on Monday ... here are the photos I took this morning when the nurse was changing his dressing ... oh my poor baby :(
Well off to make the poor boy some lunch and then get going on another LO I ahve almost finished :)
1 comment:
Hi Tracey, I've been checking out your blog via Nic's blog (I'm also hilst1 on TM). I've enjoyed looking at your scrapbooking! Oh your poor boy - he is so brave! This happened to my boy in April last year, when he tripped at kindy, but he didn't lie still for the stitches like your brave Riley did! My Toby was held down by me and 2 nurses while the doctor did the stitches!! Was quite a traumatic experience. You've got some nice photos there to scrap now! Hope Riley is much better now.
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