Friday, January 18, 2013

Things I'm Loving

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.

I am loving that despite having a hot heavy cast and a broken wrist this boy still smiles everyday

I love that we have great Neighbours who have kids that get along awesome with my kids

I am loving doing some Crafting just for ME

and I am loving school holidays where I get to just hang out with my kids!


Leonie said...

Happy kids and a happy mum! Have a great weekend :)

Leonie said...

He's a trooper your boy! And I love that your kids have great neighbour friends.
Yay for crafting time for you


Meghan Maloney Photography said...

So lovely to have you join in with Things I'm Loving and I'm very much looking forward to the catch up with the lovely Whangarei crowd next week. Hopefully we can even swing some good weather?!! Happy weekend to you all!

Neetz said...

Yay for smiley boys in casts!! ;) hehe.

Isn't it cool to have neat neighbours for your kids to play with. Our parents rarely saw us as we were always out with the other neighbourhood kids having great fun and making choice childhood memories!! ;) (and kissing the cute boys) hehe. xxx

PaisleyJade said...


mandyb said...

great post!!!
love that pic of you all too

Ange - Tall, Short and Tiny said...

Love that photo of you and your kids :)