Here are a few pics of the best Palmer Halloween Party yet!
This is Grandma getting the icy hand out of the glove for the punch and a few of my fav things that were on the table mmm yummy!!
These are my goody boxes full of the goodies!!!
My babies Abbey and Riley AKA Tinkerbell and Blue!!! Too adorable!
And here are most of our party guests, the rest were camera shy and hid on the other side of the camera!! We had such a blast I can't wait until next year!!!
WOW Tracey looks like you guys had so much fun, I love your little fairy she is just gorgeous.
We don't usually do Halloween much to the kids disgust, but quite often oldest daughters birthday party is halloween themed as it it is very close to the same date. I do enjoy seeing all the kids dressed up though, lots of fun
Looks like you had a great time, we don't dress up but the part I enjoy is answering the door to see the kids all dressed up and giving them lollies.
Such fun.
you sure do go all out, looks like you had a still waiting for my invitation in the mail lol...awww and and riley look sooo cute. i wanna see a pic of you dressed up lol, im usre you said something about xena warroir princess!!!!
It sure looks like you all had a HUGE BLAST.......everything looks great, the table, balloons, the kids, the adults.....GREAT JOB.
You can share with me if you would like too......
Peggy #4129
This is the 1st time that we have had our 7yr old grandaughter with us for Halloween (they live 3 hours away) so I got to dress her up like Cinderella, curl her hair & do her nails & then we did a hay ride and went trick or treating. That special time with her was something I will never forget!
How cute it that. You are a brave one to have that my kids over. I can remember when my were that little and had parties like that, It was always fun. Thanks for the chance.
It looks like every one had a good time.I enjoy seeing the kids that come to the door all dressed up in their costumes.I only had 1 little fellow come to the door and he was my neighbors little boy from down the street.
Joan Fiskateer #808
Wow! Looked like a great party.Since we live to far off the beaten path for trick-or-treaters my favorite part of halloween is watching the spoooky movies.
Tona Fiskateer #4437
Your Halloween Parties always turn out Fab Tracy! Your goodie bags came out well, as did all your munchies :p
Wow your party looked amazing- especially the treats (drool) We didn't do a party this year and I missed it :( Next year will be better than ever!
Tinkerbell and blue look adorable. Looks like you had a great party and your goodies bags are so creative.
My favorite part of Halloween is seeing my dd all dressed up in her costume and so excited for the days festivities. They grow up so fast and you have to enjoy these times while you can.
cool party Tracy! Love all the little details that make it so good - the table decos and balloons etc. I dressed up as a drunk old bat last night for Halloween... oh no hang on, that was just cos LOL
looks like you had lots of fun!!My kiddies had lots of fun too. We had a spider man and a tigger too.
Wow!! It looks like you were busy with all these great halloween goodies. How cute is that picture of Tinkerbell and Blue! Sure looks like the part was a success by all the great pics.
My favorite part of Halloween would have to be seeing the little kids faces when they come to the door asking for treats.
Fiskateer #1329
You threw one serious bash of halloween fun. Just love the tink and blue costumes of the little ones, they are so adorable.
My favorite part of Halloween is seeing the fun on my daughter's face as she gets dressed up and pretends to be someone different.
My oh my! It looks like you had sooooooo much fun and the kids are adorable!
My favorite part of Halloween is the candy. LOL! Unfortunately, we don't have any trick or treaters here, so no candy. I went to the city park for our Spooktacular (2nd time) and it is OK, but not enough for the kids to do. I did get some great pictures last night, including one family - Wizard of Oz. Dad was the scarecrow, Mom the wicked witch, baby boy (stroller) the cowardly lion, and a precious little Dorothy with big eyes.
Oops! I forgot my Fiskateer number.
Sandy #1781
OMGosh Tracey this party looks spooky FUN! Your little trick or treaters are just to cute. This year for us was fun handing out candy. We lived in the country for the last 14 years and we had ZERO trick or treaters. So this year we were excited to hand out treats. Thanks for a chance.
Cathy 4639
Wow! What a party!! I would love to throw a Halloween party like that!! I can't wait to get out of this Townhouse and into a house with a basement and backyard!! Those treat bags are awesome! I'd love to see that in person! fiskateer number didn't show!!
Alex S. #3614
Looks like you all had a lot of fun yesterday. My favorite part of Halloween is getting dressed up to give out candy to the little ones. It's so cute to see them all dressed up.
Thanks for a sweet RAK oppertunity.
Karin #4472
Oh my gosh... That halloween party looked like soo much fun, i'm very jealous. We didn't even get 1 single kid :( To cold and rainy i guess..
Happy fall time!
WOW TRACY...It looks like your Halloween was really fun.
My favorite part of Halloween is decorating the house and see my step daughter all dress up and ready to go out and get some goodies. Also I like taking pics so I can do a Srapebook of the holiday.
Wow, looks like you had a blast! What great looking yummies!
Oh my goodness! You were very busy! How much fun you must have had!!!! The goodies look great and the decorations were perfect! I'm so jealous!
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