For those of you who don't know I am a Pre-School teacher by trade, it's my day job! I work in the babies room with 5 teachers. It can get very busy in the class-room with all those babies and sometimes very stressfull especially on our busiest days like today when we had 17 1yr-2yr old babies and 3 under 1yrs. By the end of the week we are fried!! So someone introduced Fat Friday. We each have a turn to bring in the most yummy food to share to make the last day of the week bearable! Tomorrow is my first Fat Friday turn. Jason makes the best Carrot cake ever! I asked him if he could make one and I came home tonight to see these
They are carrot cake muffins with cream cheese icing! I've already had a sample taste and they taste great!! Can't wait to take them to work in the morning!!
Off to bed to dream about Fat Friday!
I just wanted to mention that the carrot cake muffins were eaten without a crumb left over!
jason is a good boy! and did the girls LIKE the muffins? hehehe
The Muffins were devoured!
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