I have been doing stuff and I also haven't!!
At the moment I am doing a bit of gallery surfing and searching for ANZAC projects ... I know ANZAC day is a long way off (April) but I have recently received some photos of my late Grandfather in his Army uniform. When he was in Egypt in the 2nd world war he wrote many letters and poems. One of his poems called "Words" was read at his funeral and means alot to my family. I wanted to make an altered canvas for my Mum with the pics I have of Grandad and his poem ... I am having some major issues coming up with ideas of how I want it to look. Of course I want it to be a masterpiece and really don't want to stuff it up! Any ideas, or if anyone comes across anything they think would be worth me looking at I would LOVE for you to leave me a comment!
This Is My Grandad .. Arthur John Church always known as Jack
and this is the poem he wrote ...
"To put them on to paper and send them on to you,
Is all that circumstances will so far let me do,
Words are so inadequate when written down in ink,
They don't express one-millionth part of what I really think.
But the time will come eventually, when I am back with you
And then you'll know just what I mean, what I've tried to do
In the hell that's Egypt, I first knew what friends were
When mail came in every week they always caused a stir
Friends had not forgotten that I was overseas
They wrote me cheery letters of things they'd done and seen
It was a glimpse of home to me in Egypt's sun
To get those newsy letters with such a cheery tone
The months and years have passed since then and letters still arrive
As fast and regular as the P.O can supply
to have those friends, to know their worth, is something well worthwhile
That thought alone has helped me through many a dreary mile
When I return I'll do my best to let them know how much
It means to boys from home to get that homely touch
So friends if pen and ink have not said all I meant
Be sure the time is not far off when letters won't be sent
I will call and tell you, show you then and after
How you helped me through this hell, gave me joy and laughter
Thanks on paper don't mean much, but there's years yet to come,
When I can show you without words the wonderful job you've done."
I have also been working on Halloween projects .. again a little early! But since I am working almost full-time now I want to be ahead of myself so I don't get behind! Does that make sense?? Danice called me a Nerd for it but I know I'm a nerd anyway! I am working on goody boxes to take home from the party as well as party invites.
I have done a small amount of crafting Finished a couple of LOs and am going to show the awesome True Blood ATCs.
I have some Twilight ATCs to show but my camera batteries are flat so can't go there at the moment!!
I'm a terrible birthday rememberer ... I really want to make a birthday chart thingy so I can get Birthday cards and presents organised and away BEFORE the loved ones Birthday .. this is a project I really want to get done, also Fathers Day is a week away and I have done nothing! AHHHH need ideas for that. Plus I also want to alter a clipboard for a work friend ... so LOTS on the plate so fingers crossed I'll have some awesome projects to show soon :)
I promise that I will not be so long in blogging again!