This is his first effort ... He did everything himself, picked the paper the embelishments everything ... I did help him with spelling the title.
This is his second LO, he did it this morning ... he needed a little help with the eyelets (I did guide him in wanting to use the eyelets!!) but again like his first effort he chose everything himself, and again I helped him spell the title, he was very dissapointed I didn't have a number 5 the same as the star letters, also that I didn't have a 4th stop sign for the 4th corner of the photo!!
I am so proud of him :) He seems to have a simplistic style, prefering to put a small amount of embelishment to enhance the photo lol But I LOVE it!! I can't wait until payday so I can run off and get an album for him to keep his LOs in :)
The only downfall of having another scrapper in the family is that I have to share my stash!!!
didnt he do well! i think his first 2 pages look great and are way better than my first!!! way to go Riley!!!
These layouts are sooo cool - great of you to let your wee man have a go.
so important to encourage our boys to be creative - nice work Riley!
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